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Aboriginal rock painting
Aboriginal cave painting
Temple of Hadrian in Ephesos
A Greek deity with a headdress, Eastern Mediterranean
Tombs in Agrigento
Aboriginal rock painting from Nabulwinjbulwinj, Australia
Aboriginal cave painting
Aboriginal rock painting
Ischtar-Tor in Babylon
Etruscan tomb painting showing a ritual processsion
The Valdibone Lion
Coat of arms
Bronze helmet of the "Montefortino A" type
Ancient Roman city of Herculaneum
Ancient Roman city of Herculaneum
Ancient Roman city of Herculaneum 
Herculaneum, Campania, Italy. Ancient Roman city destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, preserved in a volcanic walkway and uncovered.

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The Werner Forman Archive Collection 

A new home at akg-images.

akg-images is proud to have been chosen as the exclusive global representative for the renowned Werner Forman Archive collection. All imagery is now available from akg-images.

To see all imagery, please register or log in to your account on the akg-images website and search for ‘Werner Forman Archive’.

The Werner Forman Archive collection is among the finest photographic records of civilisation and cultures from all over the world with more than 11,000 photos of historical and cultural importance ranging from the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages to the New World indigenous peoples.

These images of art, tools, sculpture, iconography, architecture and more make the Werner Forman Archive collection a valuable narrator of human activity through the ages and around the world, and a key partner for publishers, galleries and museums.

The collection comprises of Czech photographer, Werner Forman’s life's work and is devoted to documenting in photographs the history, art, religion and customs of the great civilizations and tribal societies of the past. The Werner Forman Archive collection has extensive sets of images depicting archaeological sites, architecture, evocative landscapes, art and artifacts from the great museums and private collections of the world. Many of these images are unique, some are from cultures which have now vanished or areas which are no longer accessible.

For more information or help finding the right image for your project, please contact your nearest office using details found on the ‘Contact Us’ link at the top of the page.

Enjoy this small selection of images from the Werner Forman Archive collection.